Step into your support system

Don't go at it alone. Join this thriving community and start building your path to wellness today.

Listen, friend. I know you've tried to break the sugar-craving, wine-drinking, lack-of-exercising cycle before. You're successful for a bit, but you always seem to lose motivation. That's because you were lacking accountability and community. When you create new habits with others, you're WAY more successful.

What if, instead of falling off the healthy bandwagon,

you made this a lifestyle you actually stuck to?

I'll let you in on a secret (or 4) ...

Being in a community makes you more successful

Why? Being part of a health membership is like having a squad of cheerleaders who just happen to love kale smoothies and squats. Seeing everyone else crush their goals and share their struggles makes you want to raise your own game too. It's like a positive domino effect – one person gets fired up, then another, and suddenly you're all pushing each other to be your best, healthiest selves.

You learn more when you have a guide

Imagine hanging out with a bunch of friends who are all on the same health journey as you. You trade recipe secrets and swap workout tips. Suddenly, learning healthy stuff feels less like homework and more like a fun hang-out. You pick up new tricks from each other, figure out what works (and what doesn't!), and before you know it, you're making way more progress than you ever thought possible. That's the magic of a health community – it's like having a built-in brain trust and cheerleader squad all rolled into one!

Accountability from a Group = Increased Action

Okay, let's get real: sometimes that little voice in your head shouting "skip the gym, pizza sounds amazing!" gets way too loud, right? That's where having an online community comes in - like a superhero against your inner couch potato! We'll cheer you on, celebrate your wins, and send friendly reminders when things get fuzzy. It's like having a personal hype squad on speed dial, keeping you accountable and pushing you to crush your goals without any drill sergeant vibes.

Bonus secret: This membership is the ultimate self-care flex.

Got that spinning plates feeling? ‍‍♀️ I see you, sister! Prioritizing your health isn't a luxury, it's a power move. Think of it as fueling your amazing multi-tasking machine (aka you!) for lasting happiness and a lifetime of adventures. Join this incredible community - let's make self-care the ultimate act of love (and get some awesome health tips while we're at it!).

Hi! I'm Kate, B.S., CHC

I want you to know that getting (and staying) healthy doesn’t have to suck. It can be fun, easy, and delicious. And I can’t wait to show you how.

After gaining the "Freshman 15" (x2!) in just one semester of college, I was determined to figure out how to get back to feeling like ME again. It took years, but I did it, and felt great for years.

But then after having my second child in my 30s, it was time to refine those habits once again. Because things definitely change as you get older.

I've learned (and coached) that what worked to keep you feeling good in your 20s won't work into your 30s, 40s, and beyond.

As a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach with degrees in both Molecular Biology and Psychology, I help women feel vibrant, full of health, and amazing again - at every age.

Because modern life is not our friend and we are fighting toxins on every front: our food, products, and environment. But we don’t have to suffer! We can take back control and nurture ourselves to better health. And I love helping women do just that.



Thrive for Life


A Health & Wellness Community for Women

  • Healthy Habits that Stick Mini Course $275 Value

  • Monthly Wellness Challenges: $300 Value

  • Live Zoom Trainings with Q&A: $120 Value

  • Group Cleanse Weeks: $350 Value

  • New Recipes (every month!): $900 Value

  • Meal Plans, Shopping Lists & More: $350 Value

  • Community FaceBook Group: $500 Value

Total Value: $2025/Month
TODAY's Price: $17/Month (WHAT?! Yes, that's right)

Here’s the details on what you’ll get...

Monthly Wellness Challenges

Monthly Wellness Challenges - because your body does best when you're constantly switching things up. Plus, this helps you learn what your body needs most.

Challenges like this:

  • Whole Home Detox Challenge

  • Female Fasting Challenge

  • Move Your Body Challenge

  • And more!!!

Live Trainings

Live Zoom Trainings - whether we're learning about the month's challenge, a trending health topic, answering your burning health questions, or learning from a guest speaker - these trainings will keep you engaged in your health journey!

Trainings like this:

  • All things detox

  • "Cooking for Healthy Hormones" Tutorials

  • Cycle-Syncing for exercise & eating

  • Plus, Q&A!!!

Group Cleanse Weeks

Group Cleanse Weeks - because your body loves a good reset, and doing it with others is way more fun. Oh, and cleanse weeks don't have mean no food, just better-for-you food!

Cleanses like:

  • Twice yearly sugar detox cleanse weeks

  • Twice yearly liver detox cleanse weeks

  • Twice yearly elimination diet protocols

Plus... (as if that wasn't enough)

New Recipes (every month!)

You're getting:

New Recipe Pack every month so you never get bored and you keep your health goals a top priority.

  • 30 healthy recipes with photos and macronutrient breakdown

  • Breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipes

Meal Plans, Shopping Lists &

Wellness Guides

You're getting:

Monthly meal plans to take the guesswork out of how to prep and what to buy.

  • Meal prep guidelines

  • Shopping lists

  • Guides to support the month's challenge outside of just recipes and cleanse protocols

Community Facebook Group

You're getting:

A judgement-free community on FaceBook where you'll meet lifelong besties and cheerleaders that will help keep you accountable. 👯‍♀️

  • Real-time accountability from others in the group

  • Get your questions answered in between our live Q&A Sessions

And because I know you’ll ask...

Yes, you can cancel at any time (but why would you want to???)

  • Healthy Habits that Stick Mini Course

  • Monthly Wellness Challenges

  • Live Trainings

  • Group Cleanse Weeks

  • New Recipe Packs each month

  • Meal Plans & Shopping Lists

  • Community Facebook Group

Total Value: $2025Month
TODAY's Price: $17/Month (WHAT?! Yes, that's right)

Super Happy Customers 👇🏼

“Kate, I want to say a quick thank you for being so gentle with us! It’s so easy to feel overwhelmed and I appreciate your positive assurance that baby steps are ok!!”


"Kate is my health hero! After being told by a medical professionals, 'full time working moms aren’t supposed to feel good,' I was totally defeated. Kate’s approach to balanced wellness jump started my health journey, helped me achieve my goals and got me feeling better than I had in years."


“Ready to learn what you need to know to transform? Look no further. You can rest assured that Kate always delivers powerful insight and info backed by science with a roadmap that will blow your mind. She's both a confident and compassionate leader that all of us can't help but want to be near.”


Here’s the thing...

You could try to white-knuckle your health goals and go it alone. OR you could get support, accountability, and new resources every single month from other women just like you. It's up to you. But what you've been doing hasn't exactly been working.

So why not try something new?

Thrive for Life

  • Healthy Habits that Stick Mini Course

  • Monthly Wellness Challenges

  • Live Trainings

  • Group Cleanse Weeks

  • New Recipe Packs each month

  • Meal Plans & Shopping Lists

  • Community Facebook Group

Total Value: $2025/Month
TODAY's Price: $17/Month

No Commitments,

No Regrets

You can cancel at anytime. 

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